- Bible Works 9.0
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- Bibleworks 9 Download
| BibleWorks 9, from £149-£269, (BM Regular Price £289/UK RRP £319 inc VAT, saving £30-£50). The premier Hebrew, Greek, Aramaic, Latin & Syriac biblical and original language exegesis software. Now works on Windows XP,Vista,7 & 8 along with Apple Mac since late 2012. With 4 analysis windows to take advantage of larger screens and fully searchable original language manuscript images. Includes Josephus & the Apostolic Fathers in Greek and English. With recurring word usage pattern collocation tables. now supports Unicode SBL and SIL Greek and Hebrew fonts with full export and improved built-in wordprocessor. Hebrew & Greek vocabulary learning flashcard modules, grammars. Upgrades, institution, student and network versions available. BibleWorks network & group multiple copy pricing also available. Buy or call us on 0844 808 3699. See other biblical software. |
Package Dimensions: 9 x 5.5 x 1 inches. Date First Available: June 16, 2004. Manufacturer: BibleWorks, LLC. ASIN: B000EGHMKG. Best Sellers Rank: #673 in Software ( See Top 100 in Software ) #13 in Foreign Language Instruction (Software) #212 in Mac Software. Customer Reviews: 3.9 out of 5 stars. This post illustrates how BibleWorks 9 makes constructing complex morphological searches easy. Every search starts with a question. The Question In Genesis 10:19 one finds the form בֹּאֲכָה two times.
BibleWorks 9 (http:www/bibleworks.com) is the premier original languages Bible software program for Biblical exegesis and research. It comes with Greek, Hebr. BibleWorks 9 Open Beta Download Test Has Ended. The open beta test permitting a download of BibleWorks 9 has ended; no further BibleWorks 9 downloads are available. BibleWorks 9 downloading customers needing to reinstall will now need to use their copied downloaded ISO or the DVDs they received with their BibleWorks 9 license. BibleWorks, Free Download by BibleWorks, LLC. Study the Bible with audio, Text-to-Speech and an extensive module library.
STOP PRESS Latest news Oct 2012:BIBLEWORKS for Macs!
Yes -- BibleWorks is announcing today that BW9 users can download a FREE installer that allows Mac users to run BibleWorks on their machines.
- NO VM software required!
- NO Windows license needed!
This means users now have the following three options:
- OPTION #1 -- Running the Native version of BibleWorks on a Mac
- OPTION #2 -- Running BibleWorks on a Mac in a Virtual Machine
- OPTION #3 -- Running BibleWorks on a Mac using Boot Camp
For program features new to version 5 in addition to those new to BibleWorks 6/7, if you are moving up from 3.5, 4 or earlier, see Bibleworks 5, or Bibleworks 6, or Bibleworks 7 or Bibleworks 8 for version 8 features.
Four Columns
You'll immediately notice the addition of another column to the main window. With two columns devoted to Analysis content you can customize it to view your favorite two resources simultaneously.
The BibleWorks Manuscript Project
This first installation of the BibleWorks Manuscript Project includes new transcriptions and complete image sets of Sinaiticus, Vaticanus, Alexandrinus, Bezae, Washingtonianus, Boernerianus, and GA1141 (over 7.5 GB!!). Manuscripts are fully searchable, and morphological tagging is partially complete (free updates are coming!)
The Moody Atlas of the Bible
BibleWorks comes with the full Moody Atlas. Its 118 masterful maps in high-resolution and dozens of photos can be easily inspected and copied to your presentations. No unlock required!
The CNTTS NT Critical Apparatus
The full New Testament Critical Apparatus from the Center for New Testament Textual Studies is now available for PCs! This exhaustive apparatus covers the entire New Testament. The BibleWorks version has been enhanced to show a matrix of Aland categories and time period for the mss for each reading. The apparatus tracks and updates as the mouse moves over the text in the BibleWorks main window. No unlock required!
ESV Study Bible
A must-have resource for all users! BibleWorks already comes with the ESV, but for only $20 all notes, articles, images, and maps from the ESV Study Bible are included. We took particular care to present high-resolution versions of all images and maps. The notes track and display in the main window next to any Bible version of your choice. Unlock required.
For program features new to version 5 in addition to those new to BibleWorks 6/7, if you are moving up from 4 or earlier, see Bibleworks 5, or Bibleworks 6, or Bibleworks 7 or Bibleworks 8 for version 8 features.
New Analysis Tabs
Expanded information about the current verse and search.We've made significant additions to the Analysis Window. Now when you do a search, the Context Tab shows the most common words in the current pericope, the most common words in the current chapter, and the most common words in the current book. With a click, the Browse Tab shows the full context for the active verse. A plot of the current search results is shown in the Stats Tab. All of this is right at your fingertips!
Phrase Matching Tool/Related Verses Tool
Find verses with similar words or similar phrases. Over lunch in mid-2007, we asked ourselves, 'How could we find all verses which are similar to each other?' Out of this discussion came the Phrase Matching Tool and Related Verses Tool. The new Phrase Matching Tool takes your current verse and finds all verses containing similar phrases. The new Related Verses Tool finds all verses using some of the same words from the current verse.
New formatting for text export
More control over copied text. We've enhanced and refined the formatting of exported text. Now when you copy and paste Bible text, it's simple to format the text and reference using custom or preset output formats. This seemingly small feature will greatly improve your daily use of the program.
Cross-Reference Window
Instantly view related verses. When you pass the mouse over the text, the new Cross-Reference Window instantly shows cross-references for the verse under the mouse. You can draw from the Treasury of Scripture Knowledge, New Chain Reference Bible (Thompson, 1934), Nave's, Torrey's Topical Text Book, Stephan's Biographical Bible (enabling you to distinguish the 31 different Zechariahs), and cross-references from the ESV, NAS, and NIV/TNIV. This feature works for any of the Bible versions in the program! In addition, you can build your own cross-reference files and swap them with other users.
New Greek and Hebrew grammars
BibleWorks now comes with Wallace, Waltke & O'Connor, and Joüon & Muraoka! The main BibleWorks package now includes three standard original language grammars: Exegetical Syntax of the New Testament (Wallace), Introduction to Biblical Hebrew Syntax (Waltke & O'Connor), and A Grammar of Biblical Hebrew (Joüon & Muraoka). These electronic texts include the full text and graphics of the print editions and are closely linked to the Biblical texts in the program. Previously available only separately, these texts now come at no extra cost in BibleWorks 8!
Syntactic and Thematic Greek Transcription of the NT
Another full Greek NT diagram set. We're pleased to add an alternate set of Greek NT sentence diagrams. In addition to the Leedy Greek NT sentence diagrams, William MacDonald's 'Textual Transcriptions' provide another helpful and insightful arrangement of the text.
Early Church Fathers
This mammoth popular work includes the complete series of the Schaff Ante-Nicene, Nicene, and Post-Nicene Fathers.
ERMIE: External Resources Manager
One-stop location for resources on your computer and resources on the Internet. Over time, you've probably collected a number of useful books, references, and documents in various formats (PDF, HTML, word processing formats, etc.). Add to that the myriad websites with all sorts of materials and courses you find useful in your studies. With ERMIE, you can collect and organize these local and online resources into an easy to browse catalog. ERMIE catalog files can be edited and shared with other users.
Daily Light devotional displayed in English, Greek, Hebrew, or any other Bible version
Maintain your Greek and Hebrew skills with a daily AM/PM reading. We took Samuel Bagster's well-loved daily Scripture readings and enhanced it for Greek/Hebrew review. View the readings in your favorite Bible translations, or use the Greek/Hebrew mode to display the Old Testament passages in Hebrew and the New Testament passages in Greek. A great way to start and end the day!
English Bible Text-to-Speech
If you're running BibleWorks on Microsoft Vista or Microsoft Windows 7 (requires supplemental voice packs in XP), you can hear English Bible text read aloud!
Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Thai, and Arabic Bibles
We are pleased finally to include Bibles in Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Thai, and Arabic!
Old Testament Pseudepigrapha (Greek)
We now include the Greek text and modern English translation of the Greek OT Pseudepigrapha. The Greek text is morphologically tagged and fully searchable.
For program features new to version 5 in addition to those new to BibleWorks 6/7, if you are moving up from 4 or earlier, see Bibleworks 5, or Bibleworks 6, or Bibleworks 7 or Bibleworks 8 for version 8 features.
New User Interface
The new BibleWorks interface is more intuitive and easier to use. The BibleWorks user interface has been redesigned to work the way you work. When you are researching a particular topic you normally progress from searching, to browsing, and, finally, to analysis of particular words. The new interface is laid out in this order so that your work flow is more natural and intuitive. See screenshots 1.
Study Guides
Learn by example. Use the full power of BibleWorks. New and experienced users will both appreciate the extensive set of task-oriented study guides that come with BibleWorks 7. Detailed instructions, complete with 4 hours of videos, will explain how to use BibleWorks to perform common tasks, like writing exegetical papers, searching Hebrew and Greek text and much more.
Support for Unicode Hebrew & Greek
Export Greek and Hebrew text in the formats you need.BibleWorks now supports both Unicode and non-Unicode Greek and Hebrew. Exporting Unicode is as simple as dragging highlighted text from BibleWorks to your word processor. Standard SBL and SIL Unicode Greek and Hebrew fonts are also included in the package.
Word and WordPad compatible.
In response to requests from many users, we have completely rewritten the BibleWorks editor from the ground up. It now has full support for Unicode and produces files that are fully compatible with Microsoft Word and WordPad.
The new editor has an impressive list of features including full undo and redo, hypertext links, graphics inserts, RTL typing in Hebrew with left-wrapped text (Unicode only), a full array of text formatting options, a Unicode character input table, plus full integration with BibleWorks, and much more.
Satellite Maps
Locate any Biblical site with the click of a mouse.BibleWorks comes with a set of beautiful satellite maps that you have to see to believe! The collection includes a full set of editable site and terrain overlays for major locations in Israel and Egypt, along with detailed overhead and elevation data and a comprehensive list of archaeological sites. You can even create your own map views, select sites to display, annotate key locations and trace journeys or battle lines. See screenshots 2.
Improved Lexicon Links
Find the right lexical entry every time.The tables that BibleWorks uses to bring up the right lexical entry when you place the mouse cursor over a Hebrew word have been carefully proofed and revised. This extensive revision resulted in nearly 50,000 corrections! All lexicons now have hypertext links for Scripture references and are also indexed so you can find all citations of a particular verse with the click of a mouse.
For program features new to version 5 in addition to those new to BibleWorks 6/7, if you are moving up from 4 or earlier, see Bibleworks 5, or Bibleworks 6, or Bibleworks 7 or Bibleworks 8 for version 8 features.
Diagramming Tool
Create grammatical diagrams of text, including Greek and Hebrew. The sophisticated and flexible diagrammer allows you to diagram English, Greek, and Hebrew text. You can make diagrams of phrases or of words.See screenshots 3 & 4
Flash cards
Build personal flashcard sets (print or electronic) and quiz yourself.
Greek/Hebrew paradigms
Click on a word in the Greek or Hebrew versions and the appropriate paradigm opens.
Auto-complete morphologies
As you type in a morph code, the available options appear in an automatic popup list.
Popup gloss and definitions
As your mouse passes over tagged words, a mini-window opens showing the gloss for Greek and Hebrew words.
Lexical/Grammatical Helps Window
As you move the mouse over tagged text, a colour-coded list of all lexical and grammatical references is displayed, including the introductory line from each reference.
Text colouring
Highlight text by hand or highlight search results with lasting colour and formatting.
Text comparison tool
Compare differences between multiple Bible versions.
Editable outlines
You can now edit and create your own Bible outlines that appear over the Bible text.
Clone windows
Open multiple copies of BibleWorks simultaneously. This makes it easy to save your place while you investigate other ideas.
Greek/Hebrew fonts
The new Greek and Hebrew fonts allow you to share documents in HTML, Word, Outlook, and many other applications.
- Greek NT-Nestle-Aland 27th Ed./UBS 4th Ed.
- AGNT Friberg's '94 Morphologically Analysed Greek NT & Lemmas
- BNM Aletti/Gieniusz/Bushell Morphologically Analysed Greek NT & Lemmas
- Robinson-Pierpont Greek NT (Majority Text) with Morphological Analysis
- Scrivener's Greek NT (Textus Receptus) with Morphological Analysis
- Stephanus Greek NT (Textus Receptus) with Morphological Analysis
- Tischendorf Greek NTwith Critical Apparatus
- Westcott and Hort Greek NT
- BHS Hebrew Text, 1990-4th Corrected Ed. now with full Hebrew accents
- Westminster Seminary 1998 Morphologically Analysed BHS & Lemmas, version 3.0, now containing full stem tagging, jussive and cohortative tags, and homonym tagging - now revised to 2001 edition ,version 3.5, an supplemented with accent tags. Two separate tagging systems are included, one based on the CCAT database and one based on the work of Dr. J. D. Price. So you can now do searches on the Hebrew accents.
- The Transliterated BHS Hebrew Old Testament
- WTM Groves-Wheeler Westminster Hebrew OT Morphology database v.4 with two accent tagging systems and editorial comments
- The Targumim, parsed, lemmatised, and tied to entries in the Comprehensive Aramaic Lexicon.
- The Aramaic New Testament (Peshitta) with the James Murdock English translation.
- Latin Vulgate (Weber Edition), Online Bible Latin Vulgate
Bible Works 9.0
- Rahlfs' LXX with Apocrypha and variants
- BLM Aletti/Gieniusz/Bushell Morphologically Analysed LXX & Lemmas
- Brenton's LXX English Translation
- Latin Vulgate (Weber Edition), Online Bible Latin Vulgate
- English: KJV 1611/1769 with Strong's Codes, NKJV, NASB, NASB 1995, RSV with Apocrypha, NIV, NRSV with Apocrypha, Webster's 1833 with Strong's Codes, ASV 1901, Young's Literal Translation, Darby Version, Bible in Basic English, New American Bible, Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition, New Living Translation, New Jerusalem Bible, The Jewish Publication Society English Tanakh (1985), The Jewish Publication Society Holy Scriptures 1917 (English OT), The English Standard Version 2001 Crossway Books/Good News Publishers, Bishops' Bible (1595), Tyndale New Testament (1534), James Murdock NT
- German: LutherBibel 1912 with Strong's Codes, LutherBibel 1984, Unrevised Elberfelder 1905 (Darby), Revised Elberfelder 1993, Geneva-Schlachter, Einheitsubersetzung-KBA 1994 The Mnchener NT (1998) with Codes (German)
- French: Nouvelle Edition De Geneve with Strong's Codes, Version Darby, Louis Segond 1910 with Strong's Codes, Haitian Creole, French Bible en francais courant 1997, French Jerusalem Bible, French TOB Traduction OEcumenique de la Bible 1988
- Spanish: Reina Valera, Reina Valera Actualizada, La Biblia de Las Americas (NASB), Reina Valera Update 1995, Reina Valera Revised 1960
- Modern Greek: The Modern Greek Bible (Old and New Testaments)
- Modern Hebrew: The Salkinson Ginsberg Hebrew New Testament
- Catalan: Biblia Catalana. Traduccio interconfessional.
- Portuguese: Almeida Corrigida Fiel Traduzida 1819/1995, Almeida Revista e Atualizada, Almeida Revista e Corrigida
- Italian: Edizione San Paulo N.V.B. (with Deutero-Canon), La Sacra Bibbia Nuova Riveduta, La Nuova Diodati
- Dutch: Statenvertaling with Strong's Codes, Revised Leidse, Revised Lutherse, Netherlands Bible Society NBG 1951
- Danish: Hellige Skrifter, The Wierd Danish New Testament
- Norwegian: Norsk Bibel
- Finnish: Pyha Raamattu
- Hungarian: Magyar Nyelvu Karoli
- Bulgarian: The 1938 Bulgarian Bible
- Swedish: The Swedish Bible 1917 Svenska Bibelselskapet
- Polish: Biblia Tysiaclecia. Wydanie 4. (1954/1984)
- Russian: Orthodox Synodal Text with Strong's Codes and Russian Lexicons
- Czech: The Czech NT- Slovo na cestu (SNC) 2000 International Bible Society
- Romanian: The Cornilescu Romanian Bible
- Ukrainian: Ukrainian Version from OLB
- Albanian: Albanian Version from OLB
- Vietnamese: Vietnamese Version (Romanized text)
- Indonesian: Bahasa Indonesia Sehari-hari 1985, Terjemahan Baru 1994/1997
- Slovak: Slovak Bishops' Conference Old and New Testaments 2003
All versions and morphological databases are indexed and searchable
- Complete lemmatisation and parsing for EVERY word in Greek NT, LXX, and Hebrew OT
- Shorter Lexicon of the Greek New Testament, 2nd Edition - NEW
- Textual Commentary on the Greek New Testament, Second Edition - NEW
- A Concise Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament, Holladay - NEW
- Old Testament Quotations in the New Testament, Archer & Chirichigno - NEW
- The completed BibleWorks/CATSS LXX/GNT Morphology
- The Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament (Harris, Archer, Waltke)
- BDB-Gesenius Abridged Hebrew-English, Hebrew-French, & Hebrew-Russian Lexicons
- BDB-Gesenius full unbridged Hebrew Lexicon
- The Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament, 4th Edition (Koehler-Baumgartner-Stamm)Requires unlock
- A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature, 3rd Edition (Bauer, Walter. Edited and revised by Frederick William Danker) Requires unlock
- Whitaker's Revised BDB Hebrew-English Lexicon
- Gesenius' Hebrew Grammar
- Basic Hebrew Grammar, by Mark Futato
- Liddell-Scott Greek Lexicon, Abridged (covering entire LXX text)
- Friberg's Analytical Lexicon of the Greek New Testament (1994) now the complete 2000 edition including the analytical parts (not just the definitions as in previous versions)
- Louw-Nida Greek NT Lexicon based on Semantic Domains, 2nd Ed., 1988
- UBS Greek-English Concise Dictionary of the New Testament (Barclay Newman)
- Thayer's Abridged Greek-English and Greek-French and Greek-Russian Lexicons
- Thayer's full unabridged Greek Lexicon
- Moods and Tenses of NT Greek, by Ernest Dewitt Burton
- Corrected Strong's Codes Tagged to English/German/Dutch/French/Russian Bibles
- Englishman's and Strong's Greek/Hebrew/English/ German/Dutch/French/Russian Concordances
- Wigram's TVM (Tense, Voice, Mood) codes and grammar explanations for tagged English/German/Dutch/French/Russian Bibles
- International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia, First Edition (powered by FolioViews)now integrated into BibleWorks
- A. T. Robertson's Word Pictures in the Greek NT
- The Faussett Bible Dictionary
- Metzger's Bible Outline
- Treasury of Scripture Knowledge (644,000 Cross References and Marginal Notes)
- Nave's Topical Index
- Easton's Bible Dictionary
- Bible Time Lines (editable & includes Church and secular history)
- Westminster Confession and Catechisms
- Apostolic Fathers (Greek)
- Matthew Henry's Commentary - complete and linked to BibleWorks
- Complete works of Flavius Josephus, parsed and lemmatised, with the 1828 Whiston English translation
- Detailed manual and extensive hypertext online help, tooltips, and mouse-hints
- Instructional videos made with Lotus ScreenCam (on the CD, not on VHS tape).
- Help on any item on the screen is available simply by placing the mouse cursor over the item and pressing F1.
- Accented Greek, pointed Hebrew, & Cyrillic TrueType and PostScript fonts
- Built-in editor with right-to-left Hebrew typing
- Popup window for other word processors
- Export verses, chapters, books, and entire versions to ASCII text, RTF, and CCAT.
The most commonly used Bible translations are essentially error-free, but some specialized versions and the Greek and Hebrew morphological databases used today still need work. This is a new industry, and it will take time for these databases to settle. This is true of all packages on the market. Be wary of anyone who claims perfection in this area. Database quality is a moving target -- the more important issue is a companies commitment to correcting problems and providing a quality product. It will be a few years before the quality of these databases will be such that you can store your copy of Hatch and Redpath in the attic! Until then, serious scholars will want to cross-check final conclusions with the standard printed reference works.
Substantial progress has been made, and ongoing projects continue to improve the quality of our databases. Correction to these databases and our other versions are posted to our web site on a regular basis. They are free to download for registered BibleWorks users. As of this date, BibleWorks is the only Bible research software which offers this kind of support!
The Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament, 4th Edition [HALOT]
The complete and unabridged fourth edition (2000)! $119
A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature, 3rd Edition [BDAG3]
Bauer, Walter. Edited and revised by Frederick William Danker.
The standard Bauer-Danker-Arndt-Gingrich reference is now available for BibleWorks users, complete and unabridged! $79
Package Deal: HALOT and BDAG3
Purchase both the HALOT and BDAG3 for one low price! $149
If you have five or more users of BibleWorks at your organization, you may be eligible for discounted pricing through our site license policy. Network/multi-user/site licensing for BibleWorks is available to churches, seminaries, Bible colleges, universities, libraries, and other institutions and organizations.
- A BibleWorks NETWORK LICENSE is for up to a given number of simultaneous users (controlled and accountable 'nodes') at ONE PHYSICALLY CONTIGUOUS SITE.
- While permission is granted to install BibleWorks on the ENTIRE site network and/or workstations, CONCURRENT ACCESS must be limited to the given number of simultaneous users licensed (such as via metering software).
- IF BibleWorks concurrent access cannot be controlled and verified, THEN each networked computer or stand-alone computer counts as one node.
- Permission is granted for FACULTY use at their homes, within the constraints of this license. That is, if a teacher is permitted use of BibleWorks at school under this site license, then the teacher is also permitted use of BibleWorks at home.
Screenshot 9.1
Previous version screenshots
Screenshot 8.1 | Screenshot 7.1 | Screenshot 7.2 |Screenshot 6.1 |Screenshot 6.2 |Screenshot 5.1 |Screenshot 5.2 |Screenshot 5.3 |Screenshot 5.4 |Screenshot 5.5 |Screenshot 5.6REVIEWS |
Review by Daniel J. Phillips, of Biblical Christianity, May 03, 2006
'Time would fail me to tell of thirty-two English translations, plus versions in twenty-two other modern languages. Now, free tools such as the valuable E-Sword also have a lot of free versions. What they don't have is the Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic resources built in to BW7...I'm very enthused about this version, and heartily recommend it to any serious student, particularly to anyone who's a student of the original languages. It is an amazing resource, a treasure house.'Read full review.

Web log for the Bible Software Review, run by Rubn Gmez, June 24, 2006Read full review and comparison of Accordance 7, Bibleworks 7, Logos 3.
BibleWorks reviews collected by Bibleworks.com, 2006
Read reviews.
BibleWorks 6 Review by Dave Sunman, Eden.co.uk, November 2004
'BibleWorks 6 is a comprehensive, versatile and incredibly powerful tool that will enable anyone to search through any of a large number of Bible versions for individual words, combinations of words appearing in the same verse, alternative words, phrases and just about any other combination that can be thought of. Searches are easy to set up and very quick'. Read full review.
BibleWorks 5 Review in Evangelicals Now, Sept 02 issue, page 22
- PC compatible computer (Mac & Linux users click here)
- Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/Windows 7/8
- DVD drive
- Minimum 512 MB RAM
- Minimum of 1GB to a maximum of 15GB hard drive space
- Sound card for Video Demos
- Internet connection and Internet Explorer 6.0+ needed for the built-in Internet updater.
See Pricing below for older versions and upgrades
To date, the size of the BibleWorks program (over 12GB, compressed, for BibleWorks 9) has mitigated against its being made available by download. A 12GB fileset would take 9 hours to download at 3 Mbps (the 2010 average download speed). At 1.5 Mbps it would take 18 hours, and at 768 Kbps it would take 35 hours. As more customers gain access to wide broadband connections, BibleWorks will increasingly consider making distribution by download to client computers available as an option.
No matter what connection speed a user has, in addition, users will want to back up their installation files. A 12GB backup poses significant requirements (DVD-Rs hold only 4GB per disc).
A thin-client (cloud) version of BibleWorks poses other challenges. Experiments so far indicate such a version would incur unacceptable performance penalties. In addition, protection of the copyrighted databases included in BibleWorks is more difficult in such a version. Because of these two challenges, BibleWorks currently assesses the cost of maintaining a separate thin-client version so significant that it would drive the overall end-user cost of BibleWorks to unacceptable levels. Should future technology advances permit a single version to be used cost-effectively in both thick- and thin-client modes, or should thin-client architecture in the future substantially supplant thick-client applications, BibleWorks will then offer a thin-client version.
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- Bibleworks Version 31 copy left
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- Upgrade to Bibleworks Version 9 from 3.5 £229 (offer price, £299 normally)
- Upgrade to Bibleworks Version 9 from 4 £219 (offer price, £299 normally)
- Upgrade to Bibleworks Version 9 from 5 £209 (offer price, £299 normally)
- Upgrade to Bibleworks Version 9 from 6 £199 (offer price, £299 normally)
- Upgrade to Bibleworks Version 9 from 7 £189 (offer price, £199 normally)
- Upgrade to Bibleworks Version 9 from 8 £149 (offer price, £159 normally)
- Bibleworks Version 9 £269 (offer price, £269 normally, RRP £299) - Buy
- Bibleworks Version 9 Multibuy copies [1-9 users] from £209
- Bibleworks Version 9 IPP Group Order [per user minimum 10] £199
Prices include 20% VAT
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